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The #1 Rated Muscle Program On The Internet (As Ranked By Clickbank.com)

The No Nonsense Source On Drug Free Bodybuilding











"4 Things You MUST Understand If You Are EVER Going To
Build Muscle And Get Super Ripped."

 by Vince DelMonte - Author of No Nonsense Muscle Building
and Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine



1. Bodybuilding magazines are really "drug programs." They tell you to "train hard" but make "hard training" impossible by prescribing 12-24 sets per body part. You can only build muscle with this kind of volume if you're using drugs to speed up your recovery.

2. Supplements are only necessary if you have hit a 90% threshold in your training, nutrition and lifestyle. Even if you do introduce supplements at that point, don't expect any miracles - they will only make a 1-2% difference in gaining lean muscle mass and getting stronger.


3. Your body can only manufacture 1-2 pounds of "dry muscle" each month which results in extra storage space for glycogen and water. Hence you can only gain 3-4 pounds of "lean muscle mass" on a monthly basis. It's physiologically impossible (without drugs) to build more than 12-24 pounds of rock hard muscle over the course of the year. A little different then what the magazines tell you eh?

4. Most skinny guys are taking advice from bodybuilders, magazines and websites that are promoted by guys with amazing genetics. You should not be taking advice from a guy who can not relate to your "muscle unfriendly genes," or from a guy who does not have the same body structure or the same metabolism. Would you take money advice from a guy who inherited a fortune? Would you take money advice from a guy who won the lottery? No! So why are you taking bodybuilding advice from guys with great genetics and who are using steroids?


Get Big Muscles In 3 Simple Steps

By Vince DelMonte

Do you know what it really takes to build big muscles? Do you think it's as simple as buying a gym membership, training each body once per week, slamming back some protein shakes and trying to eat as much chicken and tuna possible? Viola, you are big enough to enter a bodybuilding contest. Can you imagine it was that easy to build big muscles? Unfortunately, your monthly gym membership, regular weight training workouts and casual eating habits, isn't going to cut it. Here are five simple steps to getting big muscles fast :

Squat and Deadlift

Squatting and Deadlifting are known as two of the Big Three exercises that are responsible for power and mass muscle building. Consider these two animal exercises the kings of the jungle! Without them, you do not have a chance of survival. These two exercises alone, work out about 75% of your entire musculature, including your traps, shoulders, arms, back. Gluts, hams, calves and core muscles.

Not to mention the degree of intensity, squats and dead lifts force your body to release greater volumes of growth hormone, which results in bigger muscles all over your body. This spillover effect results in strength gains in all you other lifts which translates into a more muscular you! Squatting and dead lifting are especially critical for hard gainers because of the hormonal spikes affecting the entire body.

Stick to Compound Exercises

What is going to isolate more muscle fibers? A bench press or cable cross over? A military press or lateral raise? A chin up or bicep curl? A dip or tricep kickback? If you ever hope to get big muscles than compound lifts are not optional, they are mandatory. Stick to squats, leg presses, deadlifts, bench preses, barbell rows, pull ups, chin ups, over head presses, and dips.

If all you do is concentrate on building your puny muscles like arms and calves, then you will end up with exactly what you focus on – puny muscles!

Keep Your Rest Periods Honest

When was the last time you were in the gym and you watched the average guy time his recovery with a stop watch? Stop watches are not just for endurance athletes but should be used by every person who is serious about building big muscles.

Generally, the closer you lift to your one rep max, the longer the rest period and the higher the number of reps, the shorter the rest period. This is a crucial variable, which is often overlooked, yet will determine whether you create the correct training response.

For example, if you are training for maximal strength which requires at least 3-5 minutes rest between sets and you are only taking 2 minutes, you are not giving your nervous system an honest workout. If you are training for muscle size which requires shorter 30-90 second style recoveries but are gazing at the cute girl on the elliptical letting your rest periods carry over these ranges, you are not giving your metabolic system an honest workout.

Lastly, how do you know if you are truly stronger if you do not monitor your rest period? For example, let's say last week you bench pressed 135 pounds for four sets of ten. This week you bench pressed 145 pounds for four sets of ten. Assuming the rest period was identical for both workouts, this is a tremendous improvement and a measurable sign of improvement! However, what if you took an extra minute or two between each set on the recent workout? This means that you did not actually become stronger. You just had a longer rest period!


You now know that building big muscles is not easy as showing up at the gym and throwing back a few protein shakes. Apply these three simple steps in your next program and I promise that you will start building brand new muscle all over your body!

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com

He specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and training less than before.
© 2006-2008, .All rights in all media reserved. You may reprint this article so long as the article and author bio are reprinted intact and all links are made live. This article may never be sold individually or as part of a package.


No Nonsense Muscle Building
By Vince DelMonte (Build Muscle Fast)

If your interested in building muscle the natural way – without spending long hours in the gym, without supplements and without drugs, then this could be the most important book you ever read...Learn more here

No Nonsense Muscle Building, the #1 best-selling skinny guy muscle building on the Internet (as ranked by Clickbank.com), is a instantly downloadable 199 page muscle building manual.  The same book that is changing the lives of thousands of skinny guys and gals.  The book promises to build natural muscle mass in the shortest time possible.

As the title suggests, “No Nonsense” gets right down to it. It is not just another e-book with a bunch of boring pages that you won’t even finish reading. It’s actually the opposite!  

It is direct and to the point, but is packed with the most comprehensive system I’ve ever seen! It will empower you with every tool required to short-cut your success to insane muscle gain and build muscle fast!

No fluff. No B.S. No hype! It’s designed for one thing and one thing only… to show you the skinny guy the most direct and uncomplicated methods to building more muscle mass and gaining weight. Quickly and easily.

Trust me, no one has worse genetics (for building muscle) than a long-distance runner who ran 80-120 km a week for 10 years...so if you think you have bad genetics – throw that excuse out the window!

Whether you are an aspiring bodybuilder, fitness model, competitive athlete or just want to look good in a bathing suit – this system has been proven to work time and time again!

Now is the time! Build Muscle Fast!

Vince DelMonteFitness




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