Build Muscle Fast  - Stretching Is Important

For Any Muscle Building Workout



Before thinking about any routine to build muscle fast, think about the emphasis that is put into stretching with your present muscle building workout.  Any workout or physical exercise program should always begin and end with a general stretching and warm up session.  This is something that should never be neglected, especially when thinking about your personal safety.  Stretching and warm ups are specifically meant to get your body, more precisely, your muscles ready for performing strenuous routines.

Have you ever wondered how many people who want to build muscle fast by lifting hard, do so without performing any warm up or stretching routine?  The numbers are not clear, but you can bet a lot of people do their exercise sessions without properly stretching first.  Imagine taking a body where the muscles and joints are in a cold position and going right into a full muscle building workout.  Can you think what happens to most people who do this?  That's right, some sort of injury, a pulled muscle or maybe even worse.  To properly stretch and warm your body up for a complete muscle building workout you need to begin with some kind of total body session.

Now, when thinking about your routine to build muscle fast through a total body workout, think about your stretching and warm ups by including what is called the hot zones.  Basically, the hot zones represent the four most important areas of the body that should be included in your warm ups.  They are:

1.    The upper back region
2.    The back of your legs
3.    Your Chest Area
4.    The abdominal region


Many people wonder why the emphasis on the back of your legs?  Simply put, any movements which are multi joint when training the back of your legs will also work a percentage of the quadriceps.  Once you stretch and warm up your body from the four hot zones, you will be ready to start with your exercising or muscle building workout.

Many people also believe that walking on a treadmill for five or ten minutes is sufficient for warming up the body for a strenuous muscle building workout.  While walking for that length of time will do some good in preparing some of the muscle groups, it is not totally efficient in accomplishing what is actually needed.

While walking will increase the blood flow throughout your body, it doesn't necessarily increase the flexibility of your muscles, especially in certain regions that need to be stretched such as the chest area, arms, upper back and legs.  While no stretching exercise  can guarantee the prevention of any injury ever happening, not doing any proper warm up exercises before and after will only leave your body open for serious injury.

The overall benefits of stretching your muscles is not only focused on preventing injury as well.  Stretching before and after each muscle building workout will help your muscles to grow as well.  If you expect to see big results, a more active body, improved strength and more toned muscles, make sure that your muscle building workout includes the time and exercises for a complete stretching and warm up routine before and after each workout.

Written by:  K. Ho from

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